Astral Projection Music 1.0 [free]


Astral Projection Binaural Music Beats is a music with binaural beats in certain frequency that will make you fall in to your deep sleep state (alpha, theta, delta state of mind), Or usualy people say almost sleep (but awake). This app include 6 tracks of astral projection music, you can choose which one you love.. With using this Astral Projection Music Apps, experience and go adventure in astral world... How to use : - Best combine with an earphone / earpiece set - Use this sound app if you already want to go to sleep - stay awake and focus on the sound - Calm, relax and enjoy Astral Projecting or Out of body Experience (OOBE) is an experience that typically involves a feeling of floating outside one's body and, in some cases, the feeling of perceiving one's physical body as if from a place outside one's body. (Wikipedia) Note : May need some practice before success with the astral projection.

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  • Nombre del software: Astral Projection Music
  • Software Categoría: Música y audio
  • Código App: com.clover.astralprojection
  • Versión lastest: 1.0
  • requisito: 3.0.x o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 12.24 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2022-09-28