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En mis Pediatrías tenemos como uno de sus objetivos principales la misión de preservar y restablecer la salud de los niños que muy amablemente llegan

2.27 MB

There are many ways to prevent pregnancy. Learn more about birth control, and find here the method that's best for you. You have a wide choice of birt

2.77 MB
Teething 3.0

Teething is the process by which an infant's teeth sequentially appear by breaking through the gums. It is a very painful period for the baby and if y

4.77 MB
SNSFD-2015 4.10.2

L’application gratuite de la 17ème réunion commune de la Société de Néphrologie et de la Société Francophone de Dialyse, qui se tiendra du 29 septembr

7.85 MB

たった2ヶ月でこのカラダ!? 気軽に遊べるデブエットゲームが新登場! デブザップは力士をひたすら太らせる放置型育成ゲームです。 かんたん操作で誰でも気軽に遊べます。 ・個性的すぎるトレーナーたち! 効率的なデブエットをサポートするプロのトレーナーたちを どんどん雇って体重を増やそう! ・様々なアルバ

25.49 MB

Is your billing company or biller not sending reports? Do you know how much insurance companies paid you without navigating to your EMR/EHR ? Are you

5.37 MB

Migraine Tracker is an app that lets you take control of your migraines. By utilizing this app you will be able to catch migraines before they happen

1.33 MB
GetVET 3.1.5

GetVET is a mobile application that we made for pets lovers, Pet Shops, and veterinarians. Using GetVET, together we can take care the pets in some be

2.82 MB
These Days 1.1.0

Ovulation calendar is the tool for any woman hoping to get pregnant or seeking natural and harmless birth control methods. Knowing one’s body is very

10.95 MB

あなたの「ストレス力上昇」が止まらない!? あなたのその繰り返すイライラは、もう手遅れな状態かもしれません。 それは、しなければいけない仕事や勉強、家事などやらなければいけないことがこの世の中にたくさんあるからでしょう。 そんなことを繰り返す毎日にあなたの「ストレス力」が気がつかないうちに上昇し、気

1.26 MB

Il Dottor Mario Cervone de Martino, Dirigente Ospedaliero di Ruolo, da anni si occupa della cura e del trattamento delle patologie ortopediche pediatr

3.53 MB
Due Date! pregnantandnobabyname

Congratulations, you're pregnant! But when you can expect your baby? Chances are you don't want to wait for your doctor to find out when the baby is d

2.17 MB

This Cellulitis Infection app have complete information of Infection. Cellulitis is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection. Cellulitis

2.16 MB

Conheça a versão para Android do Pocket Book, com os resumos das Diretrizes da SBC, o principal documento de consulta com objetivo primordial de unifo

3.45 MB
mili 2.0.0

Mili is a healing service that can check your stress or an emotional state through your voice. With the "Green light", peek mind someone you seeing. P

8.19 MB
NT Vertigo 1.0.2

The Nutrition Vertigo helps the patients to self-manage Vertigo trough nutrition, using interactive tools. This app gives the patient important inform

28.9 MB

Sepsis or Severe septic shock is one of the most pressing problems among the ICU patients. Hence monitoring this critical state is highly important fo

3.46 MB
HealthMe 0.0.5

Health Me! è un’applicazione prototipale realizzata nel Progetto E-Health Technology finanziato dalla Regione Abruzzo POR FESR 2007-2013 “Sostegno all

3.58 MB

Do you want to have a good concentration, feel fresh, fall into sleep easily, have physical strength and endurance and achieve your work duties and so

1.68 MB

This app will shows the information about Migraine Headaches Symptoms. Best comprehensive overview covers the symptoms and treatment of Migraine Heada

5.46 MB